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Special Issue on Studies of Applied Economics: "The Current Issue of Economics, Finance & Accounting in Asia-Pacific"

The Special issue pretends to be a forum for debate on matters related to economic, accounting and finance in the area of Asia-Pacific. Articles must address relevant issues for the below topics. Discussion must be conceptually competent in one or more disciplinary fields, so that researchers and practitioners of a large number of scientific disciplines are able to participate, this way trespassing disciplinary boundaries. 


We welcome papers covering whichever aspects of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting Governance, Sustainability Reporting, Auditing, Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Information System, Accounting Education, Sharia Accounting and Financial Management, Ethics and Professionalism, Capital Market Research, Banking, and Corporate Finance. 

There are no restrictions to the length of individual papers. We are open to all methodological approaches and have special interest in papers using high-frequency data with these standards:

For additional information, please contact Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

